Optimising RAPD-PCR for Screening the Link of RAPD Markers to an Acid-resistant Gene in Oenoccus oeni Liu, S; He, L; Li, X; Li, X.
Evolution of Yeast Population during Different Biodynamic Winemaking Processes Guzzon, R; Widmann, G; Settanni, L; Malacarne, M; Francesca, N; Larcher, R.
Phenolic Acids, Phenolic Aldehydes and Furanic Derivates in Oak Chips: American vs. French Oaks Cabrita, MJ; Barrocas Dias, C; Costa Freitas, A M.
Geostatical Analysis and Scaling of Grapevine Root Distribution Linsenmeier, A W; Lohnertz, O; Lehnart, R.
Impact of Amino Acid Addition on Aroma Compounds in Papaya Wine Fermented with Williopsis mrakii Lee, PR; Yu, B; Curran, P; Liu, SQ.
Ampelographic and molecular characterisation of Aglianico accessions (Vitis vintfera L.) collected in southern Italy Alba, V; Anaclerio, A; Gasparro, M; Caputo, AR; Montemurro, C; Blanco, A; Antonacci, D.
Environmental Impacts of Tartaric Stabilisation Processes for Wines using Electrodialysis and Cold Treatment Bories, A; Sire, Y; Bouissou, D; Goulesque, S; Moutounet, M; Bonneaud, D; Lutin, F.
Impact of Alternative Skin Contact Procedures on the Aroma Composition of White Wine Bavcar, D; Basa, H
Evolution of the Phenolic Content and Extractability Indices During Ripening of Nebbiolo Grapes from the Piedmont Growing Areas over Six Consecutive Years Cagnasso, E; Torchio, F; Gerbi, V; Rio Segade, S; Giacosa, S; Rolle, L.
Differerentiation among Young and Market-ready Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinotage and Shiraz Wines : Application of Canonica Discriminant Analysis using Flavanoid and Non-Flavanoid Compositional Data Minnaar, P P; Booyse, M.
Modification in Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties of Nebbiolo (Vitis vinifera L.) Grape Berries Induced by Mixed Virus Infection Santini, D; Rolle, L.
Molecular Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria Occuring in Must and Wine SEBASTIAN, P; Herr, P; Fischer, U; Konig, H.
Validation and comparison of Formol and FT-IR Methods for Assimilable Nitrogen in Vine Grapes Skoutelas, D; Ricardo da Silva, J M; Laureano, O.
Production of SO? Binding Compounds and SO? by Saccharomyces during Alcoholic Fermentation and the Impact on Malolactic Fermentation Wells, A; Osborne, J P.