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Enhancing Phenolic Maturity of Syrah with the Application of a New Foliar Spray

Climate change is inducing earlier grape ripening, especially in warm vintages. This phenomenon is
resulting in unbalanced wines an alcohol concentration that is too high and titratable acidity that is low,
along with a high pH level without the desired level of phenolic maturity. Final wine quality notably depends
on the phenolic composition of the grapes and the extractability of these compounds. This research was
designed to test a new foliar spray, called LalVigne® MATURE, for its capacity to create a balance between
sugar development and phenolic maturity. It is a formulation of 100% natural, inactivated wine yeast
derivatives. This foliar spray was tested on Syrah vines in two vintages (2012 and 2013) in a cool-climate
wine region (Eger, Hungary). The spray acted as an elicitor, stimulating the synthesis of several secondary
metabolites. The changes in anthocyanin extractability and texture characteristics of the grape berries
were followed during ripening. Experimental wines were made at three separate harvest times in each
vintage. Standard analytical parameters were evaluated for grapes and wines, as well as for resveratrol.
Grapes from the treated vines had thicker skins than the controls at all sampling dates in both vintages.
The phenolic potential (especially anthocyanin concentration and extractability) of the foliar spray-treated
grapes was greatly improved. Our experiment showed that phenolic ripening can be enhanced using the
foliar spray, and that its application was useful in different vintages.

Enhancing Phenolic Maturity of Syrah with the Application of a New Foliar Spray

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